MOVECOLAB.IT firmly believes in the importance of collaboration between researchers of both similar and different areas of expertise. All lab members actively support the exchange of experiences with other researchers and groups in the belief that collaborating is rewarding both in terms of scientific output and personal growth, but also because working as a team makes research activity fascinating and fun.
Research collaborators, PhD students that are looking for a period abroad, as well as Master’s students are very welcome! See our contacts in the Members page.JOIN US

Diego Rubolini and Matteo Griggio looking at lesser kestrel wing

Jacopo G. Cecere, Andrea Benvenuti and Federico De Pascalis approaching the storm petrel colony

Stefano Podofillini, Liat Segal, Silvia Quilici, Camilla Soravia, Andrea Curcio after having placed nest-boxes on top of a new building in Matera

Jacopo G. Cecere and Matteo Griggio: our first checking of lesser kestrel nest-boxes of ever in Matera (2016)

Our camp on an islet of La Maddalena Archipelago - waiting darkness to work on Scopoli's shearwater

Sara Cioccarelli and Alessandro Mercogliano during fieldwork in Po Plain

Sara Cioccarelli, Michelangelo Morganti and Alessandro Berlusconi checking lesser kestrel nests in Po Plain

Michelangelo Morganti working on nest-boxes in the nesting tower for lesser kestrels

Simona Imperio and Ivan Maggini monitoring a Scopoli's shearwater breeding site

Simona Picardi, Carlo Catoni, Antea Portanova, Jacopo G. Cecere and Alessandro Mazzoleni ... the Scopoli's shearwater team in 2013

Stefano Focardi and Jacopo G. Cecere taking a break during fieldwork in Linosa

Stefano Focardi, Jacopo G. Cecere and Andy Reynolds

Anna Terras, Sara Cioccarelli, Ale Berlusconi, Ale Mercogliano, Aliona Pazhera after having found a new lesser kestrel colony in Po Plain

Anna Terras during fieldwork in Po Plain

Carlo Catoni, Costanza Matricardi and Jacopo G. Cecere during fieldwork in Capraia, Tremiti Archipelago

Carlo Catoni during fieldwork in Capraia, Tremiti Archipelago

Delphine Menard and Stefano Podofillini during nest-box checking in Matera

Federico De Pascalis, Danilo Pisu, Davida Pala, Jacopo G. Cecere, Giulia Masoero sailing toward the storm petrel colony

Fieldwork at La Maddalena

Foradada (Capo caccia – Sardinia)

Jacopo G. Cecere, Stefano Podofilini, Matteo Griggio, Davide Dominoni, Diego Rubolini during a nest-box setting section in Matera

Jennifer Morinay, Danilo Pisu and Federico De Pascalis during fieldwork

Letizia Campioni and Diego Rubolini measuring a Scopoli's shearwater in Capraia, Tremiti Archipelago

Matera (southern Italy) hosts 1000 breeding pairs of lesser kestrels

Matera (southern Italy) is surrounded by natural and farmaland areas

Michelangelo Morganti and Jennifer Morinay ringing lesser kestrel in Matera

Jennifer Morinay, Federico De Pascalis, Jacopo G. Cecere and Rosalino Garbi approaching the gull-billed tern colony

Andrea Benvenuti during fieldwork in Sardinia

David Pala and others during fieldwork in Capo Caccia, Sardinia

David Pala, Jacopo G. Cecere (from behind), Federico De Pascalis, Francesca Visalli during fieldwork in Sardinia

Joan Ferrer Obiol and Marie Claire Gatt in Middleton

2021 Middleton team

Jaon Ferrer Obiol, Marie Claire Gatt, Diego Rubolini, Jacopo G. Cecere and Don-Jean Léandri-Breton ready to sample kittiwakes at the nesting tower in Middleton

The kittiwake nesting tower in Middleton

Gaia Bazzi, Giacomo Assandri, Susan McKinlay Michelangelo Morganti, Jennifer Morinay, Alejandro Corregidor Castro and Alberto Renzelli during translocation of lesser kestrel nestlings within the framework of LIFE FALKON

Nesting tower for lesser kestrels built in Po Plain within the framework of LIFE FALKON

Wingspan, herbal tea and medeleine

Social dinner of the 3rd meeting

David Grémilet and Jacopo G. Cecere looking at the plumage of a lesser kestrel in Matera (@BénédicteMartin)

Bruno D'Amicis and Jacopo G. Cecere celebrating the good achivements (photos and data) of 2021 field season on storm petrels in Sardinia