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Assandri G, Bazzi G, Bermejo-Bermejo A, Bounas A, Calvario E, Catoni C, Catry I, Catry T, ... Rubolini D, Cecere JG(2024)Assessing exposure to wind turbines of a migratory raptor through its annual life cycle across continents.Biological Conservation
Lopez-Ricaurte L, Hernández-Pliego J, García-Silveira D, Bermejo-Bermejo A, Casado S, Cecere JG, de la Puente J, Garcés-Toledano F, Martínez-Dalmau J, Morganti M, Ortega A, Rodríguez-Moreno B, Rubolini D, Sarà M, Bustamante J.(2024)Local climate at breeding colonies influences pre-breeding arrival in a long-distance migrant.Journal of Ornithology
Lambert C, Cecere JG, De Pascalis F, Grémillet D.(2024)Correcting detection bias in mapping the abundance of marine megafauna using a Mediterranean seabird as an example.ICES Journal of Marine Science
Berlusconi A, Scridel D, Eberle L, Martinoli A, Bazzi G, Assandri G, Grattini N, Preatoni D, Cecere JG, Maartinoli A, Rubolini D, Morganti, M(2024)Ecological and social factors affecting the occurrence of kleptoparasitism in two recently established sympatric breeding falcons. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Tremolada P, Saliu F, Winkler A, Carniti CP, Castelli M, Lasagni M, Andò S, Leandri-Breton DJ, Gatt MC, Ferrer Obiol J, Parolini M, Nakajima C, Whelan S, Shoji A, Hatch SA, Elliott K, Cecere JG, Rubolini, D.(2024)Indigo-dyed cellulose fibers and synthetic polymers in surface-feeding seabird chick regurgitates from the Gulf of Alaska.Marine Pollution Bulletin
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Visalli F, De Pascalis F, Morinay J, Campioni L, Imperio S, Catoni C, Maggini I, Benvenuti A, Gaibani G, Pellegrini I, Ilhaniane L, Chamberlain D, Rubolini D, Cecere JG(2023)Size assortative mating in a long lived monogamous seabird.Journal of Ornithology
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Corregidor-Castro A, Morinay J, McKinlay S, Ramellini S, Assandri G, Bazzi G, Glavaschi A, De Capua EL, Grapputo A, ROmano A, Morganti M, Cecere JG, Pilastro A, Rubolini D(2023)Experimental nest cooling reveals dramatic effects of heatwaves on reproduction in a Mediterranean bird of prey.Global Change Biology
Fasola E, Stefani F, Forcina G, Fasola M, Viganò E, Dorosencu A, Monros JS, Morganti M(2023)Exploratory analyses of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and sexual dichromatism (SD) in free-living adult Purple herons (Ardea purpurea).Waterbirds
Assandri G, Bazzi G, Siddi L, Nardelli L, Cecere JG, Rubolini D, Morganti M.(2023)The occurrence of a flagship raptor species in intensive agroecosystems is associated with more diverse farmland bird communities: Opportunities for market-based conservation.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Scridel D., Serra L., Pirrello S., Basso M., Franzoi A., Cardillo A., Mengoni C., Ramazzotti F., Verza E., Imperio S., Cecere J.G.(2023)Sex-mediated changes in foraging behaviour according to breeding stage in a monomorphic seabird adapted to rural habitats.Animal Behaviour
Kralj J, Ponchon A., Oro D., Amadesi B., Arizaga J., Baccetti N., Boulinier T., Cecere J.G., Corcoran RM., Corman AM., Enners L., Fleishman A., Garthe S., Grémillet D., Harding A., Igual JM., Jurovic L., Kubetzki U., Lyons DE., Orben R., Paredes R., Pirrello ... .... Fijn R.(2023)Active breeding seabirds prospect alternative breeding colonies.Oecologia
Morera-Pujol V, Catry P, Magalhães M, Péron C, Manuel Reyes-González J, Granadeiro JP, Militão T, Dias MP, Oro D, Dell'Omo G, Müller M, Piava VH, Metzger B, Neves V, Navarro J, Karris G, Xirouchakis S, Cecere JG, Zamora-López A, Forero MG, Ouni R, Salah Romdhane M, De Felipe F, Zajkova Z, Cruz-Flore(2023)Methods to detect spatial biases in tracking studies caused by differential representativeness of individuals, populations and time.Diversity and Distribution
Soravia C, Bisazza A, Cecere JG, Rubolini D(2023)Extra food provisioning does not affect behavioural lateralization in nestling lesser kestrels.Current Zoology
Romano A, Morganti M, Assandri G, Bazzi G, Corregidor-Castro A, Morinay J, Cecere JG, Pilastro A, Rubolini, D. (2022)Sibling competition for food and kin selection in nestlings of a colonial raptor.Animal Behaviour
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Costanzo A, Ambrosini R, Franzetti A, Romano A, Cecere JG, Morganti M, Rubolnini D, Gandolfi I(2022)The cloacal microbiome of a cavity-nesting raptor, the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni.PeerJ
Cioccarelli S, Terras A, Assandri G, Berlusconi B, Grattini N, Mercogliano A, Pazhera A, Sbrilli , Cecere JG, Rubolini D, Morganti M(2022)Vegetation height and structure drive foraging habitat selection of the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) in intensive agricultural landscapes.PeerJ
De Pascalis F, De Felice B, Parolini M, Pisu D, Pala D, Antonioli D, Perin E, Gianotti V, Ilahiane L, Masoero G, Serra L, Rubolini D, Cecere JG(2022)The hidden cost of following currents: microplastic ingestion in a planktivorous seabirdMarine Pullution Bulletin
De Pascalis F, Pisu D, Pala D, Benvenuti A, Visalli F, Carlon E, Serra L, Rubolini D, Cecere JG(2022)Identification of marine important conservation areas for Mediterranean storm petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus melitensis) breeding in Sardinia, Italy.Marine Ornithology
Campioni L, Dell'Omo G, Vizzini S, De Pascalis F, Badalamenti F, Massa B, Rubolini D, Cecere JG (2022)Year-round variation in the isotopic niche of Scopoli's shearwater
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Assandri G, Cecere JG, Sarà M, Catoni C, De Pascalis F, Morinay J, Berlusconi A, Cioccarelli S, Mercogliano A, Pazhera A, Terras A, Imperio S, Morganti M, Rubolini D(2022)Contex-dependent foraging habitat selection in a farmland raptor along an agricultural intesification gradient.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
De Pascalis F, Austin RE, Green JA, Arnould JP, Imperio S, Maugeri M, Haakonsson J, Cecere JG, Rubolini D(2022)Influence of rainfall on foraging behaviour of a tropical seabird.Behavioral Ecology
Berlusconi A, Preatoni D, Assandri A, Bisi F, Brambilla M, Cecere JGC, Cioccarelli S, Grattini N, Gustin M, Martinoli A, Rubolini D, Sbrilli A, Zanichelli A, Martinoli A, Morganti M(2022)Intra-guild spatial niche overlap among three small falcon species in an area of recent sympatry.European Zoological Journal
Fasola M, Cardarelli E, Ranghetti L, Boncompagni E, Pellitteri-Rosa D, Delle Monache D, Morganti M.(2022)Changes in rice cultivation affect population trends of herons and egrets in Italy.Global Ecology Conservation
Soravia C, Cecere JG, Rubolini D(2021)Brood sex ratio modulates the effects of extra food on parental effort and sibling competition in a sexually dimorphic raptor.Behaviour Ecology and Sociobiology
Morganti M, Cecere JG, Quilici S, Tarantino C, Blonda PN, Griggio M, Ambrosini R, Rubolini D(2021)Assessing the relative importance of managed crops and semi-natural grasslands as foraging habitats for breeding lesser kestrels Falco naumanni in south-eastern Italy.Journal of Wildlife Biology
De Pascalis F, Pala D, Pisu D, Morinay J, Benvenuti A, Spano C, Ruiu A, Serra L, Rubolini R, Cecere JG(2021)Searching on the edge: dynamic oceanographic features increase foraging opportunities in a small pelagic seabird.Marine Ecology Progress Series
Lopez-Ricaurte L, Vansteelant WMG, Hernández-Pliego J, García Silveira D, Bermejo Bermejo A, Cecere JG, de la Puente J, Garcés-Toledano F, Martínez-Dalmau J, Ortega A, Rodríguez-Moreno B, Rubolini D, Sarà M, Bustamante J(2021)Barrier crossings and winds shape daily travel schedules and speeds of a flight generalist.Scientific Report
Morinay J, De Pascalis F, Dominoni DM, Morganti M, Pezzo F, Pirrello S, Visceglia M, De Capua EL, Cecere JG, Rubolini D(2021)Combining social information use and comfort seeking for nest site selection in a cavity-nesting raptor.Animal Behaviour
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Costanzo A, Tommasi N, Galimberti A, Scesa GC, Ambrosini R, Griggio M Cecere JG, Rubolini D(2020)Extra food provisioning reduces extra-pair paternity in the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni).Journal of Avian Biology
De Pascalis F, Imperio S, Benvenuti A, Catoni C, Rubolini D, Cecere JG(2020)Sex-specific foraging behaviour is affected by wind conditions in a sexually-size dimorphic seabird.Animal Behaviour166: 207-218
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Picardi S, Smith BJ, Boone ME, Frederick PC, Cecere JG, Rubolin D, Serra L, Pirrello S, Borkhataria RR, Basille M(2020)Analysis of movement recursions to detect reproductive events and estimate their fate in central place foragers.Movement Ecology8: 1-14
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Cecere JG, Gaibani G, Imperio S(2014)Effects of environmental variability and offspring condition on movement ecology of Scopoli's shearwater Calonectris diomedea during chick-rearing.Current Zoology
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